Wednesday, August 10, 2011


These 4 have become a regulars in our apartment, just like Kramer is a regular in Jerry's apartment. So it seemed fitting that when Jerry Seinfeld came to Calgary, we had to go see him live.

Friday August 5, 2011 was the day. It was awesome. Our love for Jerry made it all the more precious. He went on for over an hour, and we were laughing out loud the whole time! Soooooooooo funny and completely clean.

I wish we could remember all this jokes! But there was just too much.

Our camera isn't that great, so this is the best picture of Jerry. Too bad I didn't take a short video clip!

The show started late, but we made it JUST on time. Reason being, there was a ridiculous hail storm on the way there which causes cars to stop under the bridges on Crowchild trail leaving everyone just stopped and not being able to pass through. There were so many cars pulled over it was crazy! Here is Jord with some of the hail remains... Remember this is August and it looks like there is snow on the ground.

Some more exciting news. Yesterday we booked a trip to Jamaica for September 3rd. Less than a month away! We are so excited for a vacation AND to go see some people for Jordan's mission. He recently received a letter from a girl on his mission and talked with another guy on the phone a few months ago. So they are missing him and I am so excited to meet them!

We are also celebrating our 1 year of marriage in two weeks!!!!! yay! I love this guy!

(Note the Jamaica T shirt)


  1. Soooooo excited for you and your trip to jamaica!!!
    I wish the hail was actually that big... then we would have for sure gotten hail damage lol
    And is jordan wearing glasses??? Is that new or have I just been clueless?

  2. Haha I know! Jordan wanted hail damage too. Yes Jordan is wearing glasses, but he doesn't usually wear them unless we go to some show and he wants to see better or to a hockey game or something :)

  3. Fun! I hope you have an awesome time!! So jealous. we should do a couples trip...or camping to Old Macdonald farm lol
