Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years Eve

Oh New Years.....
We don't get the hype. It seems like partying is the thing to do when we change a digit on the year.
 For some reason in New York they drop a big ball and thousands of people go watch. 
We don't get it.
We thought we should still go out to celebrate the party so we went to
on Broadway at the Jubilee Auditorium in Calgary
It was phenomenal! 
Everyone thought it sounded pretty cool so Jordan's whole family joined us. 
After we went to Cattle Barron and enjoyed great steaks with our pals Jake and Renee Sherlock and then played rage till all hours of the night because that is what you do on New Years Eve.
Just Kidding....
We were in bed by 1.

 Happy 2012!!!

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